Gilford Public Library

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Gilford Public Library

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The Old Man, His Life and Legacy

When the Old Man of the Mountain fell from his perch high above Franconia Notch, on May 3, 2003, it made international news. Many in New Hampshire and beyond responded as though mourning a beloved public figure. This program presents the "story" of the Old Man and examines the ways that public perceptions of the Profile played a role in shaping and establishing New Hampshire's identity, both symbolically and physically. We will discuss the stories of the many people who played a part in "saving" the Old Man, from the risk-taking mountaineers and engineers who kept the ledges in place for so many years, to the school children who gave their pennies to help protect the forest around him. We discuss why these granite ledges – the result of a "miraculous accident" according to a state geologist – have played such an outsized role in the hearts of so many.

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